Gustav Klimt, Henri Matisse, Pierre Auguste Renoir, Claude Monet, Pablo Picasso, Egon Scheile, Pierre Bonnard, Mary Cassatt, Paul Cezanne, Paul Gauguin, Vincent Van Gogh, Edward Hopper, Wassily Kandinsky, Georgia O'Keeffe, Paul Klee, L S Lowry, August Macke, Joan Miro, Amedeo Modigliani, Camille Pissarro, Diego Rivera, Mark Rothko, James McNeill Whistler, Tamara de Lempicka and many other famous artists.
We are the leading online source for buying quality oil painting reproductions and fine art. At you can choose from over 17,000 reproductions of the most famous paintings in history from the world’s greatest artists. Some of our best sellers are even available for immediate delivery. Choose from huge selection of museum-quality reproductions oil painting reproductions by selecting from the menu on the left or by browsing our complete listing of paintings by Artist & Title.
We offer a wide variety of styles of reproductions for sale including Impressionist, Abstract, Expressionist, Modern, Realist, Cubism and Renaissance. Every painting is recreated without interpretation and captures the essence of the original artwork. We can also create reproductions of some of history’s greatest artists including: Van Gogh, Vermeer, Rembrandt, Renoir, Monet and Gauguin, up through the latter years to Hopper, Kandinsky, Klimt and Klee.
We have artists standing by ready to re-create any photograph, print or image that you may have in hand-painted oil on canvas. Imagine the texture and depth that expertly applied oil paints can lend in reproducing your favorite image.
Our museum-quality paintings are entirely hand painted and created by our highly talented, experienced and skilled painters. These proven professionals work with a discerning eye that captures every nuance of both historical masterpieces and your personal images.
In buying online, you can by-pass the retail galleries that typically charge from 50-75% more than We are able to accomplish these significant savings by having our own dedicated team of resident skilled professional artists, thereby cutting out the gallery middlemen, agents, expensive catalogs and other needless overhead of the traditional art world.
We also offer international free shipping. By selling our paintings online we are able to reduce the costs to the point that we will ship your artwork anywhere in the world, absolutely free, via FedEx or DHL.
Our carefully chosen team of professional artists has proven to be extremely talented in being able to capture the essence of any technique and artist. The majority of our customers purchase from us many times after receiving their first painting.
We create our paintings on premium grade artist’s canvas that has been properly stretched on the frame and correctly primed. We use only British Winsor and Newton Oils which are known for their vibrancy and longevity. Our oil on canvas paintings are meticulously hand-crafted artworks. None of our paintings are mass-produced.
The creation of every painting takes approximately 2-3 weeks in total, prior to shipping. Whether they are expert reproductions of masterworks or talented representations of your own images, these are genuine oil paintings that add value to any art collection and enhance the décor of any home or office.
We are so confident with the talent level of our artists that we are offering all of our paintings with a 30 day, money back guarantee. If for any reason you are not completely satisfied with the quality of your purchased painting, and you notify within 7 days of your receipt of the painting, you are free to return the painting within 30 days of receipt and receive a full refund. is confident that, like all art-lovers, you will be captivated by the richness, textures, brush-strokes and depth of colors that can be expressed through a fine oil painting, and will never again purchase another print or poster.
Art collecting can be a rewarding hobby that teaches about historical periods and traditions of long ago. Share our passion for fine art, tradition and history.
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All our oil paintings are entirely hand-crafted by talented artists at the top of their profession, using only Winsor & Newton oil paints and the best quality linen canvas.
We provide an exceptional level of customer service and the opportunity for art lovers the world over to enjoy a favorite painting in the comfort of their office or home.
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